
Janna N - Athens, Georgia

"Compromise. "

Francis W - Bangor, Maine

"Skills of brevity in writing and integrity with clients. "

Margaret M - Portland, Oregon

"honesty in all things. reputation is earned."

Theresa F - Reston, Virginia

"The example that Lincoln set for the legal profession was in large degree unknown to me before this program. The animosity of Stanton towards Lincoln, and Lincoln's response, is a lesson that I won't soon forget and will strive to emulate."

Peter M - Washington, District of Columbia

"Reinforcement of the principle that lawyers, public and private sector, should have thick enough skins to avoid making disputes with opposing counsel personal and should avoid taking the bait when faced with challenging opposing counsel and repeated encounters with challenging opposing counsel."

MaryBeth G - Columbus, Georgia

"Advise client IMMEDIATELY of likelihood of no success on basis of SoL or other legal basis and suggest alternatives/settlement."

Amy H - Atlanta, Georgia

"pivoting the argument; don't try to bend the law"

Jason M - Johns Creek, Georgia

"Honesty no matter what"

James R - HERMOSA BEACH, California


Bruce M - Canton, Georgia
